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» » Where to put your money & what to invest in? Guide 2023?

In a world filled with financial uncertainties, deciding where to invest your hard-earned money can be a daunting task. If you've got cash on hand and are wondering about the best investment options, you're not alone. The conventional choices like universal banks might not be the goldmine you're seeking. Let's navigate through the investment landscape and explore the best strategies for 2023. But before we dive into the opportunities, let's discuss what you should steer clear of.

How to Invest Money

Forget Your Bank: Seeking Better Alternatives

Universal banks, both physical and online, might not be the treasure troves you imagine. Despite some online banks standing out, most institutions offer standardized, often costly products, taking advantage of a loyal customer base. When it comes to life insurance, securities accounts, or SCPIs, opting for a specialized provider is the key. We'll delve deeper into this later.

Avoiding Scams and Speculative Ventures

The investment world is ever-evolving, with trends coming and going. From rare earths to cryptocurrencies and NFTs in 2023, the landscape is enticing but risky. While dabbling in speculative investments can be tempting, especially with the media buzz, it's crucial to tread carefully. If you're aiming for a robust, long-term financial legacy, these volatile options might not be the wisest choices.

Tailoring Your Investments to Your Goals

Understanding that each investment aligns with different objectives is paramount. For maximum profitability, the stock market is your go-to, promising up to 8% to 9% annually. Real estate suits those seeking modest but consistent incomes, while risk-free short-term investments require different solutions, as we'll discuss later.

Where to Invest in the Stock Market?

The stock market shines as the top-performing long-term investment, with potential annual returns of 8% to 9%. Contrary to common belief, it's accessible to everyone, requiring no specialized knowledge. Your money isn't locked in, and with just a few seconds, you can adjust your investment's risk level.

To venture into the stock market, consider opening a PEA (Plan d'Épargne en Actions). This account facilitates stock market investments, offering a significant tax advantage—complete exemption after five years of ownership.

As you're unlikely to pick individual shares for your PEA, we recommend investing in ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds). These funds, listed on the stock exchange, replicate market indices with minimal fees, ensuring a diversified and low-cost approach to your investment.

Ready to take the plunge into the financial realm? Here's your guide for 2023:

  1. Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your investments across different sectors for a balanced approach.
  2. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on market trends and financial news to make informed decisions.
  3. Consider Professional Advice: Consulting a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance based on your goals.
  4. Long-Term Vision: Patience is key; successful investing often involves holding onto investments for the long haul.
  5. Regular Review: Periodically reassess and adjust your portfolio according to changing market conditions.


In a sea of financial options, making the right investment choices is crucial for securing your financial future. By steering clear of traditional banks, avoiding speculative ventures, and aligning your investments with your goals, you can navigate the financial landscape with confidence.


Q: Can I start investing in the stock market with limited funds?

A: Absolutely! Many platforms allow you to start small, making the stock market accessible to various budgets.

Q: Are ETFs suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, ETFs provide a simple and cost-effective way for beginners to enter the stock market with diversified investments.

Q: How often should I review my investment portfolio?

A: Regular reviews, at least annually, help ensure your investments align with your financial goals and adapt to market changes.

Q: Is real estate a good option for long-term wealth building?

A: Yes, real estate can provide consistent income and long-term value appreciation, making it a viable option for wealth building.

Q: What's the significance of diversifying my investment portfolio?

A: Diversification helps mitigate risk by spreading investments across different assets, sectors, and geographic regions.

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